luni, 5 noiembrie 2007


Am inceput sa ascult System Of A Down dintr-un "accident". Spus impropiu ascultat deoarece primul meu contact cu trupa nu a fost auditiv ci vizual. Eram la un net caffe (pentru ca in vremea aia netu' nu era asa de accesibil) si din gresala am accesat niste lyrics-uri de la "Chop Suey" si mi-a placut ce am citit. Apoi peste cateva zile cand ascultam la casetofon "13-14 cu Andrei" am auzit "Prison Song" si atunci am fost real interesat.
De atunci am devenit obsedat (cred ca e termenul corect) de SOAD. Am facut rost cu greu de "Toxicity" luat de la un prieten cu net si facut track-uri deoarece mp3-urile nu erau la moda. Din fostul Kardiak am luat "System of a Down" si "Steal This Album" ca apoi sa am si eu net si sa imi piratez (rusine mie) restul de albume. In calatoria mea pe net despre SOAD am descoperit multe raritati despre trupa (sute de melodii nelansatesi nu numai).


Istoria SOAD incepe intr-un tinut indepartat de America, Armenia. Pe 21 aug. 1967 in Liban, Beirut, venea pe lume Serj Tankian ce avea sa devina vocalul trupei. Tot in Liban pe 15 iun. 1975 se naste tobosarul trupei John Dolmayan, iar Shavo Odadjian apare pe lume la data de 22. apr. 1974 in Yerevan, Armenia. Familiile celor trei emigreaza in state, in Los Angeles undeva prin anii 80. Singurul care se naste pe pamant American (tot in L.A.) este Daron Vartan Malakian, pe data de 18 iul. 1975.
Trei dintre ei (Serj, Daron,Shavo) urmeaza aceeasi scoala (cu profil armean). In acea scoala se aplicau pedepse dure celor care nu stateau potoliti, drept urmare Daron (care este cel mai energetic) era adesea pedepsit crunt (trimis in camera cu sobolani si multe altele fapt ce i-au determinat multe cosmaruri si o furie denestapanit, care astazi si-o exprima prin Soad). John Dolmayan a fost la o scoala separata dar tot cu profil armean. Cei patru urmeaza acelasi liceu. In perioada liceului Serj si Daron infinteaza formatia Soil alaturi de
Dave Hakopyan (actual basist la The Apex Theory) si Domingo Laranio la tobe, iar Shavo intra ca si chitarist. Trupa apare in 1993 si dupa un show live si un jam session se destrama in 1995.

Dupa esecul cu Soil, Serj si Daron infinteaza o noua trupa, System of A Down, pornind de la o poezie scrisa de Daron, "Victims of the down". Insa lui Shavo, care era managerul si promoterul trupei, nu i-a placut cuvantul "victims" si la schimbat in "system". Trupa nou infiintata avea in coponenta in anul 1995 pe Serj la voce, Daron chitara, Shavo la bas, iar la tobe pe
Ontronik "Andy" Khachaturian. In acelas an trupa scoate primul material din istoria sa, un demo care nu are coperta sau titlu si care contine 4 piese: Pig (care a fost reeditata si apare sub numele de mr. Jack pe Steal this album), Flake, Toast si The Metro (cover dupa melodia cu acelasi nume a trupei Berlin, care este si ea reeditata mai tarziu). In decursul aceluias an (1995) trupa mai lanseaza un demo "Demo Tape 1" ( ce includea Sugar,Suite-Pee, P.L.U.C.K. si Dam). In anul 1996 apare "Demo
tape 2" (Soil, Honey,Temper)
La inceputul anului 1997 acestia scot cel de-al 3-lea demo "Demo Tape 3"

Primul demo al trupei din 1995:





La mijlocul anului 1997, tobosarul
Ontronik "Andy" Khachaturian se raneste la mana si este inlocuit cu John Dolmayan. Fiind o trupa tanara si intr-un oras cu tenta comerciala (L.A.), SOAD a reusit sa se afirme cu greu. Membrii trupei au gasit o metoda ingenioasa de a se promova, street team-ul, acestia fiind printre primele trupe care au adus aceasta inovatie in promovarea muzicii. Street team-ul este o "organizatie" formata din prieten ai trupei si mai ales fani care umbla pe strazi si impart flyere continand informatii despre trupa, lipesc stickere etc. in principal se ocupa cu promovarea trupei pe strazi. La SOAD aceasta a reusit sa popularizeze trupa foarte rapid acestia obtinand in scurt timp un concert in clubul Roxy (celebru in LA pentru concertele cu trupe consacrate)

Primul logo al trupei ce aparea
si pe flyerele de promovare.

In acelasi an intra in scena Rick Rubin celebrul producator de la Arerican/Columbia Records. Initial trupa a refuzat sa semneze cu el dar dupa insistentele lui Rick, acestia au semnat contractul in sep. 1997, abia dupa ce Rick a promis ca se va ocupa personal de albumul lor. (acesta producand toate albumele pana in prezent)


In vara anului 1998 acestia lanseaz albumul lor de debut intitulat "System of a down". Primele single-luri au fost "sugar" si "spiders". Dupa lansarea albumului acestia au avut mai multe concerte: trupa de deschidere la concertele Slayer, Fear Factory, Incubus.

In anul 2000 SOAD apare pe albumul tribut Black Sabbath, Nativity in Black 2, cu un cover la piesa "Snowblind".


In aug. 2001 acestia dau lovitura cu cel de-al 2-lea album Toxicity, care a fost vandut in 6 milioane de copii in intreaga lume.Video clipurile pentru piesele "Arials" si "Toxicity" au fost regizate chiar de Shavo, marcand astfel debutul sau de regizor. Coincidenta sau nu melodia "Toxicity" era numarul 1 in America la data de 11. sep. 2001 (atentatele de la WTC), multa lume speculand ca acestia ar fi profeti cu melodia "Jet Pilot" sau chiar spunand ca acestia ar avea legaturi cu organizatiile teroriste (fapt datorat origii acestora si a versului "(I don't think you) trust in my self-righteous suicide." din Chop Suey). Membri trupei infirmand toate aceste aberatii si spunand ca toate acestea au fost doar coincidente nefericite.

In perioada inregistrarii la Toxicity, acestia au inregistrat mai multe melodii, pe album ajungand doar 14, iar restul au ramas neterminate. Aceste melodii ramase au aparut pe internet, iar ca raspuns la acest fapt SOAD a finisat melodiile si a rezultat in nov. 2003 "Steal this Album" (titlul cu directa referire la cei care fura muzica si o pun pe net). Referitor la piraterie Daron spunea "Nu-mi pasa daca fanii ne pirateaza cantecele pe internet, da nu-mi place cand fanii au melodiile inainte de data de lansare".

La piesa "Boom!", videoclipul a fost regizat de Michael Moore ca un protest adus razboiului din Irak. (acesta a fost interzis la scurt timp dupa lansare)

Tot in acelasi an Serj impreuna cu
Arto Tunçboyacıyan (care a colaborat cu trupa la mai multe piese de pe albume) formeaza trupa Serart si scot un album. Muzica celor doi era bazata pe folk si muzica traditionala armeana pusa pe diferite stiluri electronice.

Tot in anul 2003 Daron Malakian si John Dolmayan, alaturi de Casey Chaos ( Amen), Greg Kelso si Zach Hill infinteaza trupa Scars on Brodway si inregistreaza un demo. (Ghetto Blaster Rehearsals)

In anul 2005 SOAD lanseaza 2 albume "Mesmerize" si "Hypnotize" (albume la care Daron isi pune amprenta vocala) la diferenta de 6 luni intre ele. "Mesmerize" apare la data de 17 mai, acesta vandandu-se in 800.000 de copi doar in prima saptamana si ajunge albumul numarul 1 in SUA. Pe 22 nov.
se lanseaza si "Hypnotize", care ajunge deasemenea albumul numarul 1 in state, ajungand astfel alaturi de The Beatels, 2pac si DMX, singuri care au avut 2 albume care au intrat direct pe locul 1 in acelasi an.


In mai 2006 SOAD a anuntat ca va lua o pauza, acest fapt a dus la isteria fanilor si la anuntarea de zvonuri cum ca se despart. Insa Daron a anuntat intr-un concert "Au fost lansate multe zvonuri cum ca noi ne-am desparti. Sa nu dati crezare la asemenea porcarii. Noi cei 4 de aici vom forma intodeauna System Of A Down."

Muzica acestora apare in filmul "Screams", film ce trateaza Genocidul Armean. Si astfel drumul celor 4 se separa pentru un timp. Serj Tankian apare primul cu proiectul lui solo, iar pe data de 23 oct. lanseaza "Elect the Dead". Shavo lucreaza in prezent alaturi de RZA de la Wu-Tang clan, la trupa lor numita Achozen (lansare de album in 2008). Daron si John si-au reluat proiectul "Scars on Brodway", in aceasta toamna facand inregistrarile la albumul ce va aparea in 2008. John Dolmayan se mai ocupa si de afacerea sa Torpedo Comics, un magazin de benzi desenate si nu numai.

Credeti ca ati scapat? Nicidecum, de-abea m-am incalzit.:p


Trupa exista deja de 12 ani, 12 ani in care au reusit sa revolutioneze muzica sa mobilizeze masele sa determine adolescenti sa gandeasc si sa faca cunoscut publicului cele mai importante probleme sociale.
O mare parte a acestor fapte se datoreaza versurilor. Versurile sunt foarte simpliste si in acelasi timp complexe. Serj spunea odata "ca nu este important ce semnifica pentru el, este important ce semnifica pentru tine."
Drept urmare are o sectiune Songs Meaning care de fapt este un forum unde fanii isi spun parerea despre ce inseamna versurile unei anumite melodii de la SOAD. Serj spunea ca "prin acest mod simplist/complex a versurilor determina ca fanii lor sa gandeasca".
Versurile nu sunt pe un stil anume, pot fi despre o lampa, despre natura (A.T.W.A. - air, trees, whater, animals), dar in general ele au un continut politic.SOAD nu baga mesajul direct pe gat ci doar ne aduc la cunostinta anumite fapte iar prin complexitatea versurilor ne face sa constientizam problema (B.Y.O.B. - bring your own bombs, melodie ce se refera la razboiul din Irak sau melodia P.L.U.C.K. - Politically Lying Unholy Cowardly Killers
). Pentru vresuri principalul responsabil este Daron, care deobicei le scrie intre 4-7 dimineata, insa la unele texte a participat si Serj.
SOAD a participat pe 15 may 2003 la protestele ANTI-BUSH, si anti razboiului din Irak. Acest subiect a fost puternic tratat in BOOM! si pe albumele "Mesmerize" si "Hypnotize", cuvinte sinonime care fac direct referire al hipnotizarea natiunii de catre administratia BUSH.

Serj impreuna cu Tom Morello de la Audioslave infinteaza o organizatie non profit , AXIS OF JUSTICE. Organizatia se ocupa in principal cu facerea de dreptate in justitia sociala si cu educarea societatii. A organizat numeroase marsuri pentru pace si multe actiuni umanitare si o strangere de fonduri pentru victimele din Irak, in special pentru copiii irakieni. Axis of justice organizeaza un concert pentru strangere de fonduri, astfel realizand si o modalitate de comunicare intre artisti si fani, iar in 2001 apare si volumul 1 al acestui concert.


Daron's quotes:

"I have no interest in murder, and I have no interest in people dying. But I'm interested in people's minds, and sometimes [Charles] Manson puts thoughts together that I find really interesting. Have you ever seen his unedited videos? He starts making a lot of sense. I'm sure people are scared of that, but to me, it's scarier to watch George Bush try to make sense. ”

“ System of a Down are one of the most misunderstood bands around. I mean, Armenian rock? What the fuck is that? Political? I could name so many more of our songs that aren't about politics than ones that are. And for a long time, everyone thought Serj wrote all of our tunes. Until this album came out, people thought he wrote all the lyrics. So there are so many different misunderstandings of System of a Down that I don't even let it bother me anymore. I'm just kind of used to it. Our first bio said something like 'four guys based out of LA who are Armenian and political,' and, well, it wasn't really right at all. I mean, we are all Armenian, but we didn't plan that. ”

“ It's important not to take yourself too seriously, ... and I think sometimes people take us a lot more seriously than we take ourselves, especially when it comes to politics. Politics, for me, is a reflection of the world I live in. But love is just as important as politics to me. They both exist in the world, you know? And if you don't reflect the entire world around you, then you're leaving something out."


In cei 12 ani de cariera, SYSTEM OF A DOWN a scos o multime de b-sides. O chestie inedita a aparut prin anul 2001 si anume albumul "Toxicity II" un album ce continea toate piesele de pe "Toxicity" si cateva de pe "Steal this album" in varianta nefinisata.

O alta chestie indedita este melodia "Legend of zelda", melodie inspirata din celebrul joc.


O melodia care nu a ajuns pe nici un album este "Pussy Whipped"

O colaborare indedita a trupei a fost cu trupa Wu-Tang Clan la melodia "Shame on a nigger"

Iar uneori trupa da dovada si de mult umor:

The ballad of Kurt Cobain:

In concerte, in timp ce membri trupei isi mai trag suflu mai beau o apa etc., Daron intretine publicul cu cover-uri: Children of the Sea (Black Sabbath), Goodbye Blue Sky (Pink Floyd), La Isla Bonita (Madonna), My, My, Hei, Hei (Neil Young), Singing in the Rain (Gene Kelly), Sombody Tell Me (George Michael), Southern Man (Neil Young), Sultans of Swing (Dire Straits), When the Smoke is Going Down (Scorpions).






SMOKE IS GOING DOWN (spre sf. melodiei):

Trupa a mai aparut pe cateva soundtrack-uri: Blair Whitch Project 2, Scorpion King, Dracula 2000, Heavy Metal 2000, Not Another Teen Movie, Scream 3, Strange Lane.

De-a lungul celor 12 ani de cariera membrii trupei au avut diferite colaborari.

Serj Tankian:

1999: Limp Bizkit featuring Serj Tankian - "Don't Go Off Wondering" (Demo) - Demo for Significant Other

1999: Fear Factory featuring Serj Tankian - "Cars" (Live)

2000: Incubus featuring Serj Tankian - Live Improvisation

2000/2006: (həd) p.e. featuring Serj Tankian and Morgan Lander - "Feel Good" - Broke and The Best of (həd) Planet Earth

2000: Metallica featuring Serj Tankian - "Mastertarium" (Live)

2000: Tony Iommi featuring Serj Tankian - "Patterns" - Iommi

2000: Snot featuring Serj Tankian - "Starlit Eyes" - Strait Up

2001: Dog Fashion Disco featuring Serj Tankian - "Mushroom Cult" - Anarchists of Good Taste

2003: Serj Tankian - "Bird of Paradise" - Bird Up!: The Charlie Parker Remix Project

2003: Kittens for Christian featuring Serj Tankian - "Had a Plan" - Privilege of Your Company

2004: Saul Williams - "Talk to Strangers" (writing credit only) - Saul Williams

2005: Buckethead featuring Serj Tankian - "We Are One" - Enter the Chicken and Masters of Horror Soundtrack

2005: Buckethead featuring Azam Ali and Serj Tankian - "Coma" - Enter the Chicken

2005: Buckethead featuring Shana Halligan and Serj Tankian - "Waiting Hare" - Enter the Chicken

2006: Buckethead featuring Shana Halligan and Serj Tankain - "Waiting Hare" (Live)

2005: M.I.A. - "Galang" (Serj Tankian Remix) - Galang '05

2006: Dredg - "Ode to the Sun" (Serj Tankian Remix) (Unreleased)

2006: The Notorious B.I.G. - "Who Shot Ya?" (Serj Tankian Remix) - Marc Eckō's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure

2006: Deftones featuring Serj Tankian - "Mein" - Saturday Night Wrist

2007: Tool featuring Serj Tankian - "Sober" (Live Improvisational Version) - Big Day Out 2007 (Auckland only)

2007: Les Rita Mitsouko featuring Serj Tankian - "Terminal Beauty" - Variéty

2007: Fair to Midland featuring Serj Tankian - "Walls of Jericho" (Live Improvisational Version) - Coachella 2007

2007: Serj Tankian - "Bug Theme" - Bug Soundtrack

2007: Serj Tankian and Petra Jolly - "Innermission" - Bug Soundtrack

2007: Foo Fighters featuring Serj Tankian - "Holiday in Cambodia" (Live) - 2007 MTV Video Music Awards

2007: Serj Tankian - "The Essenece of Tequila" - Stranglehold

2007: Serj Tankian - "Chicakong" - Stranglehold.

2007: Wyclef Jean featuring Serj Tankian and Sizzla - "Riot (Trouble Again)" - The Carnival II: Memoirs of an Immigrant

2007: Praxis featuring Serj Tankian - TBA - Profanation (Preparation for a Coming Darkness)

Daron Malakian:

2000: Jonathan Davis, Daron Malakian, Kirk Hammett, Jason Newsted and Lars Ulrich - "One" (Live)

2003: The Ambulance featuring Daron Malakian - "Stop" (Live)


2000: Snot featuring Max Cavalera and Shavo Odadjian - "Catch a Spirit" - Strait Up

Static-X featuring Shavo Odadjian - "I'm with Stupid (Live)

2006: RZA, Metal Skool and Shavo Odadjian - "Free Style" (Live)

2007: Wu-Tang Clan featuring Shavo Odadjian - "Thug World" - 8 Diagrams

2007: Performed with the Wu-Tang Clan during the Rock the Bells 2007 tour.


SOAD nu are imaginea tipica rock-ului, gen beutura multa femei si droguri, insa "uneori" mai si "fumeza". Shavo spunea intr-un interviu ca medicul i-a prescris marijuana pentru tendonita si afirma "Ce poate fi mai tare de atat!". Daron canta la fiecare concert in inceput melodia "Drugs" iar SOAD are si o melodie intitulata "Marijuana in my brain". Nici cocaina nu e lasata deoparte..."This cocaine makes me feel like i'm on this song"
Prerea mea (si nu numai) "IARBA DESCHIDE, ARMA UCIDE".




Orice muzician de top trebuie sa aibe niste instrumente pe masura.
Curiosi pe ce canta cei de la SOAD?



Gibson Thunderbird IV (Main bass)
Gibson Blackbird
Ibanez BTB1000 or BTB500
Music Man StingRay
Meatball Iron 8088 Pro Super Bass

Effects Pedal

SansAmp bass pedal


4 Ashdown ABM900 Evo II heads
4 Ashdown 8x10" Cabinets


Tama drums.

Tama Starclassic Maple White Silk Finish 18" x 22" (2) Kick drum 8" x 10" Tom 9" x 12" Tom 10" x 14" Tom 16" x 16" Floor Tom 16" x 18" Floor Tom (2) Piccolo toms

Paiste Cymbals

Vic Firth Signature Sticks

Fender Stratocaster
Various Marshall 1/2 stacks
Gibson SG
Gibson Les Paul
Gibson Flying V
Roland VS-1680
BOSS DR-202 Dr. Groove
Ibanez Grg170dx
BOSS GT-5 Guitar Effects Processor
BOSS DS-1 Distortion
BOSS CH-1 Super Chorus[citation needed]
Korg Triton
Custom First Act Double Cutaway Lola
Roland SH-101

Ceea ce sigur nu stiati este ca Serj si scrie.El a publicat in 2002 un volum de poezii "Cool Gardens".El a mai scris in 2001 dupa atacurile din 11/09 un eseu.Il puteti citi mai jos.

Understanding Oil
By Serj Tankian

The brutal attacks/bombings this week in New York, and Washington D.C., along with threats of attacks there and elsewhere in the country have changed our times forever. While the mass media concentrates on the details of the destruction, and the blanketed words of politicians, I will attempt to understand and explain the events from the fence. BOMBING AND BEING BOMBED ARE THE SAME THINGS ON DIFFERENT SIDES OF THE FENCE.

Terror is not a spontaneous human action without credence. People just dont hijack planes and commit harikari (suicide) without any weight of thought to the action. No one in the media seems to ask WHY DID THESE PEOPLE DO THIS HORRIFIC ACT OF VIOLENCE AND DESTRUCTION?

To be able to understand the answer to this, we must first look at our U.S. Mideast Policy. During most of the 20th century, U.S. businesses have worked on attaining oil rights and concessions from countries in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. After WWI, secret back door deals by our State Dept. yielded oil rights from then defeated Turkey to fields in what is now Iraq and Saudi Arabia, in return for looking the other way at a crime against humanity, the Genocide of the Armenians by the Turks. Oil profits have been the motivating factors behind many attempts at counterinsurgency of democratic regimes by the CIA and the U.S in the Middle East (such as Iran in the 1950s, where the Shah replaced the Prime Minister who refused to give up oil rights to the U.S., and since the people couldnt deal with the Shah, an extremist government headed by the Ayatollah Khomeini ultimately prevailed). During the Iran-Iraq war, America supplied both sides with weapons and advice. These are not the actions of a rich superpower wanting peace. Lets not forget that Saddam Hussein, before being Americas vision of the Anti-Christ, was a close ally of the U.S., and the CIA. So what was the firm belief system of consecutive American administrations that caused all this to occur ? PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST WILL LEAD TO HIGHER OIL AND GASOLINE PRICES. Lets not also forget the power of the Arms industry, disguised as defense, that still sells billions of dollars of weapons to the area. Therefore it has not been in the short-term economic interest of the U.S. to foster Peace in the Middle East. Using the above reasoning, the U.S. has encouraged extremist governments, toppled democracies, as in the case of Iran to replace it with a monarchy, rigged elections, and many more unspeakable political crimes for U.S. businesses abroad. Lets not also forget the Red Scare. During the war between the then Soviet Union and Afghanistan, the U.S. armed and supported the Taliban, a fundamentalist Muslim organization, and allowed them to export opium and heroin out of their country to pay for those weapons. Therefore the Taliban rose to power and control with the help of the U.S.A. Today, the bombing of Iraq still continues, no longer covered by the media, the economic embargo still remains, killing millions of children, and recently, while the world and the U.N. General Assembly have cried out to bring in peacekeeping forces into Israel and Palestine, to end the escalated war and recent assassinations, the U.S. has vetoed the rest of the Security Council and has halted the possibility of peace, there, in the most volatile place in the world.

People in Serbia, Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan, and Afghanistan to name a few have seen bombs fall, not always at military targets and kill innocent civilians, as the scene in New York city yesterday. The wars waged by our government in our names has landed smack in the middle of our living room. The half hour of destruction closed down all world financial markets, struck the central headquarters of our military, and had our leaders running into bunkers, and our citizens into fear and frenzy. What scares me more than what has occurred is what our reactions to the occurrences may cause. President Bush belongs to a long generation of Republican Presidents who love war economies. The media has only concentrated on the bombings, if you will, and what type of retaliations are looming for the perpetrators. What everyone fails to realize is that the bombings are a reaction to existing injustices around the world, generally unseen to most Americans. To react to a reaction would be to further sponsor the reaction. In other words, my belief is that the terror will multiply if concrete steps are not taken to sponsor peace in the middle east, NOW. This does not mean that we should not find the guilty party(s), Bin Laden, or whoever they may be, and not try them. Put simply, as long as a major injustice remains, violence precipitates to the surface of life.

Native American folklore, the Bible, Nostradamus, and many other major religious beliefs point to this era with the visuals of yesterdays disasters, and conditions of ecological disasters we experience daily in our lives today. War, rumors of war, famine, long burning fires, etc., are at our doorstep. We can prevail over this possible vision with the power of the human spirit, understanding, compassion, and peace. ITS TIME TO PUT OUR NEEDS FOR SECURITY AND SURVIVAL, ACHIEVED ONLY THROUGH PEACE, ABOVE AND BEYOND PROFITS, ESPECIALLY IN THESE TIMES.


The U.S. should stop sidestepping the U.N. Security Council, and allow U.N. Peacekeeping troops and missions to the Middle East. Stop the violence first.

Stop the bombing and patrol of Iraq.

With todays gains in the use of alternative fuels, develop them to full usage with autos and other utilities, to make the country less dependant on an already depleting natural reserve, oil.

By initiating peace, we would have already shaken the foundations of support for Bin Laden, and/or all those that sponsor activities like those we saw yesterday, and break the stronghold of extremists on the world of Islam. On the other hand, if we carry out bombings on Afghanistan or elsewhere to appease public demand, and very likely kill innocent civilians along the way, wed be creating many more martyrs going to their deaths in retaliation against the retaliation. As shown from yesterdays events, you cannot stop a person whos ready to die.

Pe piata exista un DVD (ce sa gaseste cu greu) "Psycho Messiah" care expila cum s-au format membrii trupei SOAD, si prin ce au trecut ca sa ajunga unde sunt astazi. Interesant sete faptul ca materialul nu a fost autorizat de trupa.

Ca sa vedeti cat de departe poate merge obsesia SOAD cineva semnala pe un site ca in filmul "Borat" la scena cu Pamela apare un album Soad si specifica si randul.


Greu de spus ce stil abordeaza.Ei combina stilurile hardcore,alternative rock, punk rock, folk armean, Fulpy, psychedelic music, classic metal, thrash metal, si progressive rock. De aceea ei au fosta catalogati ba la hardcore ba la alternative ba la nu metal.Shavo spunea "I don't think we sound like anybody else. I consider us System of a Down.", iar John afirma "You can compare us to whoever you want. I don't care. Comparisons and labels have no effect on this band. Fact is fact: We are who we are and they are who they are."


Istoria SOAD inca nu s-a scris si sper ca e departe de a se incheia. Sper ca nu v-am plictisit (grav) si ca ati descoperit multe lucruri noi in acest material. Cei 4 de la SOAD merita sa fie modele si idoli pentru tineri pentru ca avem ce invata de la ei. Asa ca hai sa nu ne mai abtinem si sa strigam in cor si tare FUCK THE SYSTEM!

3 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

vezi ca se numeste Liban tara respectiva :)

mariana spunea...

hi ,sunt fan soad as vrea id vostru dak se poate ,nice blogul:P

stefan spunea...

Salut! sunt un mare fan SOAD de 7 ani incoace si mi-a facut mare placere sa citesc acest blog (ma bucur sa aud de alte persoane "obsedate" de aceasta trupa :))Ar trebui adus la zi,totusi,cu noile proiecte ale membrilor si,mai nou,a trupei proaspat reunite! \m/ ^-^ \m/
(Documentarul se numeste Screamers)